The STM8S touch sensing评估套件 enables设计ers to create higher-end look-and-feel user 接口s by replacing conventional electromechanical switches with touch sensing 控制s.设计ers can thus combine touch sensing 功能s with traditional MCU features 如 通讯, LED 控制, beeper, LCD 控制,和so on.
- 触摸感应接口提供五个触摸键和一个滑块
- LCD显示器报告触摸键, 滑块状态和参数
- 可配置运行: 去抖动, 低功率模型式持续时间, 重新校准超时, 滑块分辨率
- 免费C语言源代码数据库
- Free C source code library
- This board uses a STM8S microcontroller (STM8S207K6T6C) in a 32 pin LQFP package