STM32L1-GAME是一个IAR 系统s Experiment! kits aimed at creative 评估 用于a low price. User can use the kits to evaluate IAR 系统s' 软件和the included微控制器, as well as设计, start develop, 集成和test应用. Kit是一个combination of a general purpose 评估电路板 with an STM32L152VBT6 MCU equipped with a number of UEXT/UXT 连接器. These 连接器 support three serial 通讯 接口s (I2C, SPI和RS232) to connect to a wide variety of模块. The kits 包括a size limited license of the powerful工具chain IAR内嵌型Workbench. It can be used with IAR I-Jet as well as other JTAG probes, 如 the ST-LINK/V2.
- STM32L152VB超低功率 Cortex-M3微控制器, 带128K字节闪存存储器
- 游戏控制器遥感
- 1.8英寸x 1.6英寸彩色LCD
- 1个使用按钮, 1个重启按钮
- 电源和用户LED
- 2个UEXT/UXT连接器
- 原型区域
医用, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品, 安全, 无线, 通信与网络, 传感与仪器, 计量