The STM32L053R8T6 is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ Microcontroller Unit incorporates the connectivity power of the universal serial bus with the high-performance ARM? Cortex?- M0+ 32-bit RISC core operating at a 32MHz frequency, a memory protection unit and high-speed embedded memories (64kB of Flash program memory) plus an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals. This device provides high power efficiency for a wide range of performance. It is achieved with a large choice of internal and external clock sources, an internal voltage adaptation and several low-power modes. This device offers several analogue features, one 12-bit ADC with hardware oversampling, two ultra-low-power comparators, several timers, one low-power timer, one RTC and one SysTick which can be used as time bases and also feature two watchdogs, one watchdog with independent clock and window capability and one window watchdog based on bus clock.
Ultra-safe, low-power BOR with 5 selectable thresholds
Ultralow power POR/PDR
Programmable voltage detector
Pre-programmed boot loader - USART, SPI supported
Development support - Serial wire debug supported
Up to 24 capacitive sensing channels supporting touch key, linear and rotary touch sensors