The EZDSP F28335是一个st和alone card allowing developers to evaluate the TMS320F28335 数字信号控制器 (DSC) to determine if it meets their application requirements. Furthermore, the模块是一个excellent 平台 to develop和run 软件用于the TMS320F28335处理器. The EZDSP F28335 allows全速verification of F28335 code. Several扩展 连接器 are provided 用于any necessary 评估 circuitry. To simplify code 开发和shorten debugging time, a C2000 code composer studio driver is provided. In addition, an on电路板 JTAG 连接器提供接口to emulators, with assembly language和'C' high level language debug. The EZDSP F28335是一个5.35英寸x 3.0inch, multi layered printed circuit电路板, powered by an外部5 volt only power supply. It is supplied with a 14 pin针座 接口, This is the standard 接口used by JTAG emulators to 接口to Texas Instruments DSPs.
- 150MHz运行速度
- 片上32位浮点单元
- 68KB片上 RAM
- 512KB片上闪存存储器
- 256KB片下SRAM内存
- 片上12位模拟至数字转换器 16输入通道
- 板载RS232连接器 带线路驱动器
- 板载CAN 2.0接口 带线性驱动器和连接器
- 板载内嵌USB JTAG控制器
- 兼容Windows 2000, Windows XP操作系统