The SI8715BC-A-IS is a 5kV LED emulator input Logic Output CMOS Isolator for popular optocouplers with data rates up to 15Mbps. It isolates high-speed digital signals and offer performance, reliability and flexibility advantages not available with optocoupler solutions. The Si871x series is based on Silicon Labs' proprietary CMOS isolation technology for low-power and high-speed operation and are resistant to the wear-out effects found in optocouplers that degrade performance with increasing temperature, forward current and device age. As a result, it offers longer service life and dramatically higher reliability compared to optocouplers.
- High speed of DC to 15Mbps
- Pin-compatible, drop-in upgrades for popular high-speed digital optocouplers
- Resistant to temperature, age and forward current effects
- 10x Lower FIT rate for longer service life
- >50kV/μs Typical higher common-mode transient immunity
- Lower power and forward input diode current
- Inverting and non-inverting
- Disable output high, low or tri-state
- Single-channel diode emulator input
- Up to 5000VRMS isolation and 10kV surge protection
工业, 自动化与过程控制, 电源管理, 测试与测量