The SI8244CB-D-IS1 is an isolated Audio Driver specifically targeted at high-power (>30W). It operates with a maximum supply voltage of 24V. Based on Silicon Labs' proprietary isolation technology, the Si824x audio driver incorporates input-to-output and output-to-output isolation, which enables level translation of signals without additional external circuits as well as use of bipolar supply voltage up to ±750V. It features an integrated dead time generator that provides highly precise control for achieving optimal THD. It has overlap protection that safeguards against shoot through current damage. The CMOS-based design also provides robust immunity from latch-up and high-voltage transients. The extremely low propagation delays enable faster modulation frequencies for an enhanced audio experience. The TTL level compatible inputs with >400mV hysteresis are available in PWM input configuration.
PWM input
High-precision linear programmable dead-time generator
High latch-up immunity >100V/ns
Up to 1500Vrms output-output isolation, supply voltage of ±750V
Input to output isolation for low noise (up to 2500V)