The SI4362-B1B-FM is a high-performance low-current Receiver covering the sub-GHz frequency bands from 142 to 1050MHz. This receiver offers outstanding sensitivity of -126dBm while achieving extremely low active and standby current consumption. The 60dB adjacent channel selectivity with 12.5kHz channel spacing ensures robust receive operation in harsh RF conditions which is particularly important for narrowband operation. RX current of 10mA coupled with extremely low standby current and fast wake times ensure extended battery life in the most demanding applications.
- Ultra low current power down modes
- Antenna diversity and T/R switch control
- Highly configurable packet handler
- Auto frequency and gain control (AFC and AGC)
- Low BOM
- Low battery detector
- Fast wake and hop times
计量, 信号处理, 安全, 通信与网络, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 系统监控