The C8051F860-C-GS is a highly integrated mixed-signal 8-bit Flash Microcontroller featuring a powerful 8051 core with 25MHz performance. The MCU offers 8kB flash, 0.5kB RAM along with I2C, SPI, UART communication interfaces and 4 x 16-bit timers. On-chip analog features include a 12-bit 15-channel 200ksps ADC and 2 comparators. With on-chip power-on reset, VDD monitor, watchdog timer, a ±2% internal oscillator. The device is truly standalone system-on-a-chip solutions. The flash memory is reprogrammable in circuit, providing non-volatile data storage and allowing field upgrades of the firmware.
- High-speed CIP-51 μC core
- Efficient, pipelined instruction architecture
- Up to 25MIPS throughput with 25MHz clock
- Uses standard 8051 instruction set
- Expanded interrupt handler
- On-chip debug circuitry facilitates full speed, non-intrusive insystem debug (no emulator required)
- Provides breakpoints, single stepping, inspect/modify memory and registers
- Internal low-power oscillator
- Internal low-frequency oscillator
- 2 Analog comparators
- 4 General purpose 16-bit Timer/counters
- 16-bit Programmable counter array (PCA)
- Independent watchdog timer clocked from LFO
- 16-bit CRC Engine
- 32-bit Unique key for each device
电源管理, 消费电子产品, 电机驱动与控制, 通信与网络