The SKHI 10/12 R is a high power single IGBT Driver for braking choppers and asymmetrical bridges. The high power output capability was designed to switch high current modules or several paralleled IGBTs even for high frequency applications. The output buffer has been improved to make it possible to switch up to 400A IGBT modules at frequencies up to 20kHz. A new function has been added to the short circuit protection circuitry (soft turn off), this automatically increases the IGBT turn off time and hence reduces the DC voltage overvoltage spikes, enabling the use of higher DC-bus voltages. This means an increase in the final output power. An integrated DC/DC converter with high galvanic isolation (4kV) ensures that the user is protected from the high voltage (secondary side). The power supplies for the driver may be the same as used in the control board (0/+15V) without the requirement of isolation.