The FM31L278-G is a 256kb Integrated Processor Companion with F-RAM memory and most commonly needed functions for processor-based systems. Major features include non-volatile memory, real time clock, low-VDD reset, watchdog timer, non-volatile event counter and general purpose comparator that can be used for a power-fail (NMI) interrupt or any other purpose. The FM31L278 is a 256kb non-volatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or F-RAM is non-volatile and performs reads and writes similar to a RAM. This memory is truly non-volatile rather than battery backed. It provides reliable data retention for 151 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead and system-level reliability problems caused by other non-volatile memories. The FM31L278 is capable of supporting 1014 read/write cycles or 100 million times more write cycles than EEPROM. The real time clock (RTC) provides time and date information in BCD format.
High integration device replaces multiple parts - Serial non-volatile memory and low voltage reset
Real-time clock/calendar - Seconds through centuries in BCD format and software calibration
Processor companion - Programmable low-VDD reset trip point and programmable watchdog timer
Fast 2-wire serial interface (I2C) - Up to 1MHz frequency