The GridEYE Sensor boards combines the versatility of the MEMs based sensor with Bluetooth enabled connectivity and the option of mounting the board on an Arduino DUE platform. With the combination of the hardware and software for IR detection of people and objects, users are able to develop prototypes and build their own wireless sensor 'Internet of Things' applications. The PC software and a Smartphone app (Android and iOS) provided allows customers to test the sensor in different ways with various innovative applications due to the simplicity of the evaluation kit. Grid-EYE is an infrared array sensor, first 64 pixel IR camera in an all-in-one SMD package, with thermopile elements in an 8x8 grid that detect absolute surface temperature without contact. The sensor can detect moving people and objects, as well as position and presence of motionless people and objects, the direction of movements and the accurate surface temperature from -20°C up to +100°C.
- GridEYE, an IR 64 (8x8 array) pixel MEMs based Sensor
- Sensor with patented 60° silicon lens
- PAN1740 Bluetooth Module (BLE v4.0)
- Android and iOS connectivity via BLE
- 2 modes of operation - standalone and Arduino, switchable with jumpers
- Arduino headers installed
- Jumpers to configure Bootloader access
- JTAG with reset for development
- 32/64-bit Windows installers provided for demo software
- LabView GUI with colour scaling
- API libraries with demo program source-code
- Fully Compliant
- Powered by Panasonic and manufactured by Embest
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