The NCP1200P60G is a PWM Current-Mode Controller for low-power universal off-line supplies and it represents a major leap toward ultra-compact switch-mode power supplies. Due to a novel concept the circuit allows the implementation of a complete offline battery charger or a standby SMPS with few external components. Furthermore an integrated output short-circuits protection lets the designer build an extremely AC-DC wall adapter associated with a simplified feedback scheme. The controller drives low gate-charge switching device like an IGBT or a MOSFET thus requiring a very small operating power. Due to current-mode control, the controller drastically simplifies the design of reliable and cheap offline converter with extremely low acoustic generation and inherent pulse-by-pulse control. When the current set-point falls below a given value, the output power demand diminishes, the IC automatically enters the skip cycle mode and provides excellent efficiency at light loads.
No auxiliary winding operation
Internal output short-circuit protection
Extremely low no-load standby power
Current-mode with skip-cycle capability
Internal leading edge blanking
Direct opto coupler connection
Built-in frequency jittering for lower EMI
SPICE models available for transient and AC analysis