The MC14511BDG is a BCD-to-Seven Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver constructed with complementary MOS (CMOS) enhancement mode devices and NPN bipolar output drivers in a single monolithic structure. The circuit provides the functions of a 4-bit storage latch, an 8421 BCD-to-seven segment decoder and an output drive capability. Lamp test (LT), blanking (BI) and latch enable (LE) inputs are used to test the display, to turn-off or pulse modulate the brightness of the display and to store a BCD code, respectively. It can be used with seven-segment light-emitting diodes (LED), incandescent, fluorescent, gas discharge or liquid crystal readouts either directly or indirectly.
- Low logic circuit power dissipation
- Latch storage of code
- Blanking input
- Lamp test provision
- Readout blanking on all illegal input combinations
- Lamp intensity modulation capability
- Time share (multiplexing) facility
- Chip complexity - 216 FETs or 54 equivalent gates
- Triple diode protection on all inputs
工业, 传感与仪器, 成像, 视频和目视, 计算机和计算机周边