The CAT811STBI-GT3 is a 4-pin Microprocessor Power Supply Supervisor with manual reset input. The CAT811 is a direct replacement for the MAX811 in applications operating over the industrial temperature range and has a manual reset input. This device generates a reset signal, which is asserted while the power supply voltage is below a preset threshold level and for at least 140ms after the power supply level has risen above that level. The underlying floating gate technology, Analogue EEPROM used by ON Semiconductor, makes it possible to offer any custom reset threshold value. The CAT811 features a RESET push-pull output (active LOW). Fast transients on the power supply are ignored and the output is guaranteed to be in the correct state at Vcc levels as low as 1V.
- Output configuration - Active LOW reset
- Power supply transient immunity
- 6μA Power supply current
计算机和计算机周边, 无线, 后勤, 计量, 传感与仪器, 便携式器材