The ADP3120AJCPZ-RL is a 12V dual bootstrapped MOSFET Driver with output disable function. The single-phase MOSFET gate driver optimized to drive the gates of both high-side and low-side power MOSFETs in a synchronous buck converter. It is capable of driving a 3000pF load with a 45ns propagation delay and a 25ns transition time. With a wide operating voltage range, high or low-side MOSFET gate drive voltage can be optimized for the best efficiency. Internal adaptive non-overlap circuitry further reduces switching losses by preventing simultaneous conduction of both MOSFETs. The floating top driver design can accommodate VBST voltages as high as 35V, with transient voltages as high as 40V. Both gate outputs can be driven low by applying a low logic level to the output disable (OD) pin. An under-voltage lockout function ensures that both driver outputs are low when the supply voltage is low and a thermal shutdown function provides the IC with over-temperature protection.