The STM32-P107是一个原型电路板 用于STM32F107 ARM CORTEX-M3微控制器. The ARM Cortex-M3处理器 is the latest generation of ARM处理器 for内嵌型系统s. It has been developed to provide a 低成本 平台 that meets the needs of MCU implementation, with a reduced引脚count和低功率消耗, while delivering outstanding computational 性能和an advanced 系统 response to interrupts. The ARM Cortex-M3 32位RISC处理器 features exceptional code efficiency, delivering the 高性能expected from an ARM core in the存储器 size usually associated with 8位和16位设备. The电路板 has JTAG端口 用于programming和debugging, USB to OTG, user button, two status LEDs,和most of the GPIOs are on extension针座s where you can connect your additional circuits.
- STM32F107VCT6微控制器带256KB闪存, 64KB RAM
- JTAG连接器 通过ARM 2x10引脚用于编程/调试
- 25Mhz 石英水晶
- 扩展端口连接器用于多个微控制器引脚
- 3V 电池连接器
- 迷你SD/MMC卡连接器
- 电路板尺寸 132.08mm x 96.52mm
工业, 便携式器材, 电机驱动与控制, 医用, 消费电子产品, 通信与网络, 成像, 视频和目视, 音频