The PIC-USB-4550是一个开发电路板, which allow you to 原型和develop USB应用with PIC18F4550微控制器s. The电路板 have USB 连接器 to connect和接口with PC or other USB host. Microchip provide free firmware 用于USB HID (human 接口设备)设备which you can use to make custom mouse, joystick, CDC (通讯 class设备), 音频 class设备(make your own 麦克风, speaker etc USB设备), mass存储设备(add your own USB disks), USB to RS 232 etc . Using the Microchip boot loader you can program your code和change your firmware vie USB without the need 用于编程器. The on电路板 ICSP 连接器 allow you to program the PIC on the电路板 without pulling it of the socket, by ICSP编程器 like PICMCP, PIC-MCP-USB, PIC-PG1, PIC-PG2, PIC-PG3, PIC-PG4 or to program和debug it with PIC-ICD2, PIC-ICD2-POCKET or PIC-ICD2-TINY.
- PIC18F4550- 经DIL40插座输入输出
- USB 2.0 B连接器 可将电路板连接至PC主控接口
- 石英水晶 20Mhz
- LED通过跳线连接至RD3
- 用户按钮连接至RB4
- 电源插入插座 带二极管桥, 可通过交流或直流电源供电
- 5V电压稳压器
- 扩展槽用于每个uC引脚
- 复位按钮
- 可用电路板尺寸100mm x 80mm
电源管理, 通信与网络, 车用, 传感与仪器, 电机驱动与控制, 消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 无线, 照明