The PIC-P18-20-MHZ is a development prototype board for 18pin PIC microcontrollers. This board is used to develop and prototype any 18pin PIC microcontrollers. The RS 232 driver on board allows easy connection with pc or other embedded hardware. The board have User button and status LED. The bridge rectifier allow this board to be powered with both AC and DC power supply adapters and also supports both 3V low power and normal 5V operation. This board has a ICSP/ICD connector for programming with PIC-MCP-USB and PIC-MCP or PIC-PG1,PIC-PG2, PIC-PG3, PIC-PG4 programmers and debugging with PIC-ICD2, PIC-ICD-POCKET, PIC-ICD2-TINY.
- RS 232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC on socket
- DIL18 microcontroller socket
- Quartz crystal 20Mhz
- LED to RB3 through jumper
- User button, reset button and power plug in jack
- Selectable 3.3V/5V power supply voltage regulator
- Extension slot on every uC pin
- Board size available with 100mm x 80mm
- GND and Vcc bus
- Four mounting holes 3.3mm