The AVR-H128-C 开发电路板 is used to develop和原型 circuits with ATMEGA128微控制器without need to deal with SMD soldering. All微控制器pins are available on extension针座 with 0.1inches和power supply,振荡器s, ICSP, JTAG are wired, so all you need to do is to connect your additional components to the AVR端口s, as the step is 0.1inches these针座s perfectly fit the 原型 sea of pad电路板s with 0.1inches step.
- ATMega128-16AU微控制器 带128KB闪存, 4KB RAM和4KB EEPROM存储器
- ICSP 5x2引脚连接器用于电路内编程 带AVR-PG1或AVR-PG2
- JTAG 5x2引脚连接器 使用AVR-JTAG或AVR-JTAG-USB进行电路内调试
- 16MHz振荡器电路
- 32.768KHz振荡器电路
- 复位芯片ZM33065
- 5V电压稳压器 LM78L05
- 电源滤波电容
- 扩展引脚针座用于每个μC引脚
时钟与计时, 电源管理, 传感与仪器, 电机驱动与控制