The TWR-S08DC-QE64是一个tower 系统 daughter card featuring MC9S08QE64微控制器用于TWR-S08UNIV tower 系统模块. The MC9S08QE64是一个members of the 低成本, low power, 高性能HCS08 系列 of 8位微控制器units (MCUs). The combination of the TWR-S08UNIV tower 系统模块和a daughter cards提供an easy way to switch between differing S08和RS08微控制器without purchasing the same 开发电路板 over和over again. The TWR-S08UNIV模块 features a universal socket in the middle of the电路板 there the daughter will be placed. The TWR-S08UNIV tower 系统模块 is usable in either standalone mode or connected to the tower 系统, but is only 功能al in combination with daughter card.
- 子卡拥有一个独特的连接板载微控制器的识别号码
- 65,536字节闪存
- 支持高达32个终端/复位源
- HCS08指令系统 带附加的BGND指令
- 计时器/脉冲宽度调制器 (TPM)
- 单线后台调试接口
- 断点能力
- 低电压检测, 带复位或中断, 可选择触点
- 闪存模块保护
- 16键盘中断(KBI) 引脚 可选择极性
消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 通信与网络, 工业, 计量, 安全, 医用, 医用, 测试与测量