The SC16C750BIB64 is an Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) used for serial data communications. Its principal function is to convert parallel data into serial data and vice versa. The UART can handle serial data rates up to 3Mbps. The SC16C750B is pin compatible with the TL16C750 and it will power-up to be functionally equivalent to the 16C450. Programming of control registers enables the added features of the SC16C750B. Some of these added features are the 64-byte receive and transmit FIFOs, automatic hardware flow control. The selectable auto-flow control feature significantly reduces software overload and increases system efficiency while in FIFO mode by automatically controlling serial data flow using RTS output and CTS input signals. It also provides DMA mode data transfers through FIFO trigger levels and the TXRDY and RXRDY signals. On-board status registers provide the user with error indications, operational status and modem interface control.
After reset, all registers are identical to the typical 16C450 register set
Capable of running with all existing generic 16C450 software
64-byte Transmit FIFO
64-byte Receive FIFO with error flags
Programmable Auto-RTS\ and Auto-CTS\
Auto-CTS\ mode, CTS\ controls transmitter
Auto-RTS mode, receive FIFO contents and threshold control RTS
Automatic hardware flow control
Software selectable baud rate generator
Four selectable receive interrupt trigger levels
Standard modem interface
Sleep mode
Standard asynchronous error and framing bits (Start, Stop and Parity Overrun Break)
Independent Receiver Clock Input
Transmit, receive, line status and data set interrupts independently controlled
False start-bit detection
Complete status reporting capabilities
3-state Output TTL drive capabilities for bidirectional data bus and control bus