The PSMN0R9-30YLD is a 30V logic level N-channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET using NextPowerS3 technology. NextPowerS3 portfolio utilising NXP's unique SchottkyPlus technology delivers high efficiency, low spiking performance usually associated with MOSFETs with an integrated Schottky or Schottky-like diode but without problematic high leakage current. It is particularly suited to high efficiency applications at high switching frequencies. Suitable for on-board DC-to-DC solutions for server and telecommunications and secondary-side synchronous rectification in telecommunication applications.
Avalanche rated, 100% tested at I (as) = 190A
Ultra low QG, QGD and QOSS for high system efficiency, especially at higher switching frequencies
Superfast switching with soft-recovery, s-factor >1
Low spiking and ringing for low EMI designs
Optimised for 4.5V gate drive
Low parasitic inductance and resistance
High reliability clip bonded and solder die attach power SO8 package
Wave solderable exposed leads for optimal visual solder inspection