The P89LPC936FDH,518 is a 8-bit Microcontroller based on a high performance processor architecture that executes instructions in two to four clocks, six times the rate of standard 80C51 devices. The device features 16kB flash code memory with 2kB erasable sectors and 64-byte pages and single-byte erasing allows any byte(s) to be used as non-volatile data storage, 256-byte RAM data memory, 512-byte customer data EEPROM on-chip allows serialization of devices and storage of setup parameters, two 16-bit counter/timers, dual 4-input multiplexed 8-bit A/D converters/DAC outputs and two analog comparators with selectable inputs and reference source.
High performance 80C51 CPU
Serial flash in-circuit programming (ICP)
Serial flash in-system programming (ISP)
In-application programming (IAP)
Watchdog timer with separate on-chip oscillator
Low voltage brownout detect
Idle mode
Active-LOW reset
Oscillator fail detect
Port input pattern match detect
LED drive capability (20mA) on all port pins
Controlled slew rate port outputs to reduce EMI
4 Interrupt priority levels
8 Keypad interrupt inputs, plus two additional external interrupt inputs