OM13046,598是一个DALI master电路板, an example implementation 用于a USB enabled DALI控制器, built using the LPC1343微控制器. The DALI master features a USB Human 接口设备(HID) 接口, which means that no dedicated 软件driver needs to be installed on the host PC. The USB, GPIO和32位timer/counter of the LPC1343 MCU is the main 硬件 blocks used to implement the DALI master. The 系统 is built around LPC1343设备, which是一个Cortex-M3运行at frequencies of up to 72MHz. The 软件of the DALI master uses the USB HID 软件driver located in the boot ROM of the LPC134x. The 软件运行on the DALI master does not incorporate a Real Time Operating 系统; this allows the存储器 footprint of the firmware to remain as small as possible.
- 四个LED
- 一个扩展针座 可安装以为微控制器提供附加连接
- DALI 物理层, 通过光耦合器与其它电子元件隔离
- 软件可用于LPCXpresso v4.1.0_190, 及IAR内嵌Workbench用于ARM v6.20.4
- 电路板尺寸74mm x 34mm