OM13045,598是一个LPCXpresso电路板 用于LPC1347 ARM Cortex-M3 based微控制器. The 平台 is comprised of a simplified Eclipse based IDE和低成本 target电路板 which 包括an attached JTAG 调试器. LPCXpresso是一个end to end solution enabling内嵌型engineers to develop their应用from initial 评估 to final production. Populated with LPC1347, the电路板 combines the robust USB 用于MSC和HID of the LPC1347和low price point of the LPCXpresso. The LPCXpresso target电路板 can connect to扩展电路板s to provide a variety of 接口s和I/O设备. The on电路板 JTAG 调试器提供高速USB to JTAG/SWD 接口to the IDE,和it can be connected to other debug targets 如 a customer 原型. The LPC-Link is equipped with a 10引脚JTAG针座 enabling seamless connection to a target via USB. LPCXpresso's IDE, using the standard GNU工具chain和optimized C library, can build an executable of any size with full code optimization.
- 基于Eclipse的IDE 使用极低成本的目标电路板
- 该目标板带有一个集成的JTAG调试器. 不需要独立的调试探针.
- 方便升级为完整的产品套件(Code Red升级)和固件套件(Embedded Artists升级)
- 全过程解决方案, 用于创造应用, 通过评估至生产
消费电子产品, 医用, 工业, 音频