OM13031是一个Hitex LPC4350 Eval电路板 which allows to quickly和easily evaluate the LPC4300 系列 of微控制器s. The微控制器,电路板,和the accompanying features make it a great starting point 用于next Cortex-M4 project. Populated with the LPC4350 to demonstrate LPC4300 features, the LPC4350 offers industry leading 双核 性能, large 内部memories和advanced 外部设备.电路板 has a variety of special features showcasing the 高性能DSC性能of the LPC4350 微处理器. The电路板 is USB powered, but can also be driven by外部power supply or via power over以太网. It is equipped with 65MB SDRAM, 32MB parallel 闪存和512kB SRAM和a serial EEPROM. 用于debugging a JTAG as well as a 20引脚Cortex debug 连接器 with ETM is available. All channels (USB1和USB2) as well as以太网 are provided by Phy. This makes USB设备, USB host和OTG available as well as UART和CAN.
- 以太网供电
- SDRAM, SRAM,并行闪存, NAND闪存, qSPI闪存
- 温度传感器, SD卡, 媒体连接器
- CAN, UART, 以太网, USB (主控, 设备, OTG)
- 调试器 带标准ARM JTAG和JTAG + 追踪连接器
- 可使用Jennic ZigBee模块
- 小板载显示和NXP标准显示
- 音频输入输出, 麦克风输入, 耳机输出和D级放大器
工业, 消费电子产品, 射频通信, 计量