OM11040,598是一个IAR LPC1343 评估电路板 which allows to quickly和easily evaluate the LPC1343 系列 of微控制器s. The微控制器,电路板,和accompanying features make it a great starting point 用于Cortex-M3 project. Populated with the LPC1343 to demonstrate LPC13xx features, the电路板 allows the 评估 of the robust USB 性能 of the LPC1343. IAR's 评估电路板 lets user to start up和运行 quickly in 评估 the superior 性能和capability of the LPC1343. This MCU is developed with a 高度 flexible USB架构featuring a high level of integration和低功率消耗. The LPC1343包括片上USB drivers 用于mass存储class (MSC)和human 接口设备(HID).