The M53015 评估电路板 is 基于V3 ColdeFire Core. This包括the MCF53015CMJ240J 256引脚map BGA populated to allow 用于the 评估 of the full 功能ality of this part. The M53015EVB contains two FlexBus存储器 sections. These two non-consecutive sections are arranged so that the user can easily configure one to support glueless外部memories like 闪存 or SRAM和configure the other to use as space 用于unique 芯片-selects 用于non-cacheable, non-memory设备like GPIO, 控制structures or other I/Os.
- 板载扬声器
- 板载麦克风
- 同步串行接口, 连接至板载音频编解码器
- USB支持
- 水晶/时钟
- SD卡槽
- SIM卡槽
- 双路以太网
- RS232 interface
- SD connector (for WiFi or Memory)
嵌入式设计与开发, 无线, 通信与网络