The M52233DEMO是一个演示电路板 用于MCF52233 ColdFire MCU,提供a 全功能 低成本 vehicle 用于embarking on a 高性能内嵌设计 of the MCF5223x 系列 of ColdFire MCUs. Application 开发 is quick和easy with the included DB9 serial cable和集成 BDM. The集成 BDM allow easy application 开发和debugging. An optional BDM端口 兼容原型 with standard ColdFire BDM/JTAG 接口cable和hosting 软件is provided, but not installed. In addition, this 低成本 开发系统offers an impressive array of complementary 软件. Included with the评估套件是一个fully licensed, complimentary special edition of the CodeWarrior 开发 Studio 用于ColdFire架构s 用于开发 of应用up to 128KB code size, as well as a host of ther 低成本和professional工具 from leading third party工具vendors, 包括a complementary ColdFire TCP/IP stack by InterNiche.
- QSPI, IIC, 和CAN 串行端口
- 高速以太网控制器(FEC) and 以太网 PHY (ePHY)
- 三个UART串行端口, 带DMA
- InterNiche TCP/IP堆叠
工业, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品, 照明, 安全, 无线, 建筑自动化, 医用, 车用