The LPC1519JBD64 is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller Unit for embedded applications featuring a rich peripheral set with very low power consumption. The microcontroller is optimized for fast, easy and high-precision motor control and incorporate all the features required for high-accuracy sensored and sensorless motor control, enabling simultaneous control of two motors in highly flexible configurations. Based on the ARM? Cortex?-M3 processor, the microcontroller has two 12-bit, 12-channel, 2Msps ADCs and an on-chip quadrature encoder interface (QEI) to enable highly accurate control of both sensored and sensorless motor combinations. Four on-chip comparators enable fast-response Over-current/voltage monitoring and protection and four flexible SCTimer/PWM timers provide up to 28 PWM channels in a tightly coupled analogue and timing subsystem with minimal load on the CPU.
- ARM Cortex-M3 built-in nested vectored interrupt controller
- Serial wire debug with four breakpoints and two watch points
- System tick timer
- Power profiles and power mode configuration with low-power mode configuration option
- Windowed watchdog timer
- Integrated temperature sensor and band gap internal reference voltage
电机驱动与控制, 电源管理, 工业, 医用, 消费电子产品, 建筑自动化