The HEF4104BP is a quad low-to-high Voltage Translator with 3-state outputs. It provides the capability of interfacing low voltage circuits to high voltage circuits. For low voltage local oxidation complementary MOS (LOCMOS) and transistor-transistor logic (TTL ) to high voltage LOCMOS. It has four data inputs (A0 to A3), an active high output enable input (OE), four data outputs (B0 to B3) and their complements (B0 to B3). With OE high, the outputs B0 to B3 and B0 to B3 are in the low impedance ON-state, either high or low as determined by the inputs A0 to A3. With OE low, the outputs B0 to B3 and B0 to B3 are in the high-impedance OFF-state.
- Fully static operation
- Standardized symmetrical output characteristics
- Inputs and outputs are protected against electrostatic effects
- Complies with JEDEC standard JESD 13-B
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