The DSPB721DB1E is an DSP56721 "B" generic ROM daughter card for 144LQFP used along with DSPAUDIOEVMMB1E motherboard. The DSPAUDIOEVM evaluation-board (called the motherboard) and the DSP56720DB, DSP56721DB, DSP56724DB or DSP56725DB board (called the daughterboard) demonstrate the abilities of the DSP5672x family of digital signal processors and also serve as a hardware platform for the development of applications that use these devices. The symphony sound Bite development kit brings much of the performance of NXP's full featured evaluation module for the symphony DSP56371 digital signal processor to a more compact and user friendly design.
- Allows users to test and evaluate any audio decoders the Symphony DSP family
- Serve as a platform for real-time software development
- Allows new users to familiarize with the features of the DSP563xx/DSP5672x family architecture
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