The DEMO9S08LC60是一个演示-board 用于此设备MC9S08LC60. The DEMO9S08LC60 demo电路板 has been设计ed 用于the 评估,演示和debugging of the Freescale MC9S08LC60微控制器. The DEMO9S08LC60 can be used as a standalone application or via its built-in USB to BDM bridge or together the Freescale student learning套件through an外部40引脚I/O针座 female 连接器. The演示-board requires that both CodeWarrior 开发 studio special edition和SofTec Micro系统s additional components be installed in the host PC. The MC9S08LC60提供design flexibility with a large segment based (4 x 40) driver和an集成 charge pump 用于true 系统-on-芯片. Dual 闪存 blocks allow enhanced EEPROM emulation with saving电路板 space和cost.
- MC9S08LC60 微控制器带演示应用程序
- 单一时钟源32.768KHZ晶振, 可通过CLK ENA跨接器选择
- 12V DC稳压电源输入连接器
- 电源输入选择跨接器用于直流12V与USB之间的选择
- 内建USB至BDM电路
- 复位按钮
- NTC温度传感器
- 压电扬声器
- 定制液晶屏
- RS-232通道
便携式器材, 医用, 消费电子产品, 无线, 时钟与计时, 多媒体