The 74HC4316D,652 is a single-pole single-throw (SPST) bilateral high-speed quad Si-gate CMOS Analog Switch has two input/output terminals (nY, nZ) and an active HIGH select input (nS). When the enable input (E) is HIGH, all four analog switches are turned off. Current through a switch will not cause additional VCC current provided the voltage at the terminals of the switch is maintained within the supply voltage range. VCC and GND are the supply voltage pins for the digital control inputs (E and nS). The VCC to GND ranges are 2 to 10V for HC and 4.5 to 5.5V for HCT. The analog inputs/outputs (nY and nZ) can swing between VCC as a positive limit and VEE as a negative limit. VCC - VEE may not exceed 10V.