MIKROE-798是一个EasyPIC seventh generation PIC 开发电路板 with PIC18F45K22设备. It is the new default 芯片 of EasyPIC v7 that提供16 MIPS operation, 32KB of linear program存储器, 1536bytes of linear data存储器,和support 用于a wide range of power supply from 1.8V to 5V. With switching power supply it creates stable voltage和current levels necessary 用于powering each part of the电路板. The电路板 contains eight DIP sockets和two DIP18 sockets 用于PIC MCUs. On电路板 mikroProg是一个fast USB 2.0编程器 with mikroICD 硬件 ICD. FTDI 芯片 allows EasyPIC v7电路板 to be connected with a PC through USB cable over UART connection. RS232 serial 通讯 is performed through a 9引脚SUB-D 连接器和the微控制器UART模块.电路板 is equipped with 连接器 which allows to connect LCD 2 x 16显示器和GLCD 128 x 64显示器 securely using plastic distancer, specially设计ed 用于this purpose.
- 卓越的连接性能
- MikroProg板载
- 双路电源
- 支持点击电路板
- MikroBUS插座和USB连接
- 端口针座,端口按钮和端口LED相连排列组合在一起
- 4个数字7段显示器 和压电蜂鸣器
- LM35模拟温度传感器和DS1820数字温度传感器
- 模数转换器输入 and I2C EEPROM
- 包含三个GND引脚 位于电路板三个不同的位置