The TC4468COE is a logic-input CMOS Quad Driver with 1.2A peak drive capability. Unlike other MOSFET driver, this device has two inputs for each output. The input is configured as logic gates - NAND. The TC4468 driver can continuously source up to 250mA into ground referenced loads. This device is ideal for direct driving low current motors or driving MOSFETs in H-bridge configuration for higher current motor drive. Having the logic gates onboard the driver can help to reduce component count in many designs The TC4468 device is very robust and highly latch-up resistant. It can tolerate up to 5V of noise spiking on the ground line and can handle up to 0.5A of reverse current on the driver outputs.
- 1.2A High peak output current
- 75ns Short, equal delay times
- Latch-proof - Will withstand 500mA inductive kickback
- 2kV ESD protection on all pins
自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 电机驱动与控制, 通信与网络, 商业, 国防, 军用与航空