The TC4422AVPA is a non-inverting high-speed MOSFET Driver capable of driving large MOSFETs and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). The TC4421A has matched output rise and fall times, as well as matched leading and falling-edge propagation delay times. The TC4421A device also has very low cross-conduction current, reducing the overall power dissipation of the device. This device is essentially immune to any form of upset, except direct over-voltage or over-dissipation. It cannot be latched under any conditions within their power and voltage ratings. This part is not subject to damage or improper operation when up to 5V of ground bounce is present on their ground terminals. It can accept, without damage or logic upset, more than 1A inductive current of either polarity being forced back into their outputs. In addition, 300mV of hysteresis is built into the input, providing noise immunity and allowing the device to be driven from slowly rising or falling waveforms.
- Low shoot-through/cross-conduction current in output stage
- Matched fast rise and fall times
- Matched short propagation delays - 42ns Typical
- Latch-up protected - Will withstand 1.5A output reverse current
- Pin-compatible with the TC4420/TC4429 and TC4421/TC4422 MOSFET drivers
- 10ATypical high peak output current
- 1.2R Typical low output impedance
电机驱动与控制, 电源管理