The TC429CPA is a single-output high-speed CMOS power MOSFET Driver designed specifically to drive highly capacitive power MOSFET gates, the TC429 features 2.5W output impedances and 6A peak output current drive. A 2500pF capacitive load will be driven to 18V in 25nsec. The rapid switching times with large capacitive loads minimize MOSFET switching power losses. A TTL/CMOS input logic level is translated into an output voltage swing that equals the supply voltage and will swing to within 25mV of ground or VDD. Input voltage swing may equal the supply voltage. Logic input current is under 10μA, making direct interface to CMOS/bipolar switch-mode power supply controllers easy. Input speed-up capacitors are not required. The CMOS design minimizes quiescent power supply current. With a logic 1 input, power supply current is 5mA maximum and decreases to 0.5mA for logic 0 inputs.
High-impedance CMOS logic input
Logic input threshold independent of supply voltage
Output voltage swing to within 25mV of ground or VDD