The TC1412NEOA is a CMOS high-speed MOSFET Driver will not latch-up under any conditions within their power and voltage ratings. It is not subject to damage when up to 5V of noise spiking of either polarity occurs on the ground pin. It can accept without damage or logic upset, up to 500mA of current of either polarity being forced back into its output. All terminals are fully protected against electrostatic discharge (ESD) up to 2kV (HBM) and 400V (MM). As MOSFET driver, the TC1412N can easily charge a 1000pF gate capacitance in 18ns with matched rise and fall times. To ensure that the MOSFETs intended state will not be affected even by large transients, low enough impedance in both the ON and OFF states are provided. The leading and trailing edge propagation delay times are also matched to allow driving short-duration inputs with greater accuracy.