RN-131-PICTAIL is a PICtail plus daughter board for the development and demonstration of RN131 802.11 b/g WiFi wireless module. It is a complete, standalone wireless LAN access devices. Each module contains a TCIP/IP stack and related applications. After the module is configured, the radio can access the WiFi network automatically, and transmit and receive data over a UART. It can be plugged into multiple demonstration and development boards. The 8bit MCU application development can be plugged into the PIC18 Explorer Development Board (DM183032) while the 16bit/32bit MCU application development can be plugged into the Explorer 16 Development Board (DM240001). The daughter board is preloaded with firmware to simplify integration and minimize time and effort in application development.
- Adds wireless capability to designs
- Supports FCC/CE/IC certified 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11b/g RN131 module
- WiFi Alliance certified for WPA2-PSK
- Complete on board TCP/IP networking stack
- Supports Ad hoc and Infrastructure networking modes along with SoftAP mode
- Built in networking applications TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, ARP, ICMP, UDP, Telnet, FTP client, HTML client
- Configuration over WiFi or UART using simple ASCII commands
- High throughput 921Kbps TX, 500Kbps RX data rate with TCP/IP and WPA2 over UART
- RN131 module PCB includes an on board ceramic chip antenna and a U. FL connector
射频通信, 无线, 自动化与过程控制, 医用, 工业