The PIC24FJ64GB002-I/SO is a 16-bit Flash Microcontroller with USB On-The-Go (OTG) and nanoWatt XLP technology. Central to all the devices is the 16-bit modified Harvard architecture, first introduced with Microchip's dsPIC? digital signal controllers. The CPU core offers a wide range of enhancements. The microcontroller family of devices introduces USB On-The-Go functionality on a single chip to lower pin count Microchip devices. This module provides on-chip functionality as a target device compatible with the USB 2.0 standard, as well as limited stand-alone functionality as a USB embedded host. By implementing USB host negotiation protocol (HNP), the module can also dynamically switch between device and host operation, allowing for a much wider range of versatile USB-enabled applications on a microcontroller platform.
USB v2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) compliant
Dual role capable, can act as either host or peripheral
Low-speed (1.5Mbps) and full-speed (12Mbps) USB operation in host mode
Full-speed USB operation in device mode
Internal voltage boost assist for USB bus voltage generation
Modified Harvard architecture
Fractional/integer multiplier
Run, idle and sleep modes
Deep sleep mode for lowest current consumption
Multiple, switchable clock modes for optimum performance and power management