The PIC24FJ256GB110-I/PF is a 16-bit Flash Microcontroller with USB On-The-Go (OTG). The PIC24FJ256GB110 family provides a new platform for high-performance USB applications, which may need more than an 8-bit platform, but don't require the power of a digital signal processor. Ideal for low power (<100nA standby current) and connectivity applications that benefit from the availability of multiple serial ports (3xI2C, 3xSPI), 4xUARTS and 23 independent timers. Large amounts of RAM (16kB) memory for buffering and large (up to 256kB) Enhanced Flash program memory make it ideal for embedded control and monitoring applications. PPS (peripheral pin select) aids in configuring the most efficient pin configuration of available I/O and CTMU provides touch support for up to 64 individual buttons. Supports USB 2.0 for device, host and OTG with a complete and free software stack that includes a thumb drive application stack.
- CPU - Up to 16 MIPS performance and C compiler optimized instruction set
- nanoWatt power managed modes - Run, idle and sleep modes
- Flash program memory - Self-reprogrammable under software control
- System - JTAG boundary scan and flash memory program support
- Analogue - 10-bit ADC, 16 channels, 500kSPS
- Universal serial bus - Dual role capable, can act as either host or device & supports 32 endpoints
- Peripherals - Peripheral pin select allows I/O remapping of many peripherals in real time
- On-chip LDO regulator
- Flexible watchdog timer (WDT) with on-chip
- Low-power RC oscillator for reliable operation
- In-Circuit Serial Programming? (ICSP?) and In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via 2 pins
计算机和计算机周边, 工业, 嵌入式设计与开发, 自动化与过程控制, 系统监控