The PIC24FJ128GB204-I/PT is a 16-bit general purpose Flash Microcontroller with cryptographic engine, ISO 7816, USB On-The-Go and XLP technology. The microcontroller featuring integrated Hardware Crypto module and eXtreme low power. This family also includes 128kB flash, 8kB RAM, USB and advanced peripherals. The combination of features makes the part ideally suited for low power embedded security applications. The PIC24FJ128GB204 family expands the capabilities of the PIC24F family by adding a complete selection of Cryptographic Engines, ISO 7816 support and I2S support to its existing features. The PIC24FJ128GB204 family devices also add a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller to the existing PIC24F architecture. The DMA acts in concert with the CPU, allowing data to move between data memory and peripherals without the intervention of the CPU, increasing data throughput and decreasing execution time overhead.
Cryptographic engine - Supports ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR and CFB128 modes and programmatically secure
Universal serial bus - Full-speed USB operation in device mode and high-precision PLL for USB
Extreme low-power current consumption for deep sleep