The PIC18F14K50-I/P is a 8-bit USB Flash Microcontroller with XLP technology. The PIC18F14K50 brings advanced features and exceptional value to the embedded USB market. This low cost PIC? microcontroller features a full speed USB 2.0 compliant interface that can automatically change clock sources and power levels upon connection to a host, making it an exceptional device for battery-powered applications. The addition of mTouch (TM) touch sensing compatibility, a 10-bit ADC, motor control PWMs and a host of serial interfaces make the PIC18F14K50 the perfect device to Just add USB to any application. The data EEPROM is a non-volatile memory array, separate from the data RAM and program memory, which is used for long-term storage of program data. It is not directly mapped in either the register file or program memory space but is indirectly addressed through the special function registers (SFRs). The EEPROM is readable and writable during normal operation over the entire VDD range.
C compiler optimized architecture
Self-programmable under software control
Support for interrupt priority levels
8x8 Single-cycle hardware multiplier
Enhanced watchdog timer with a programmable period
Full speed universal serial bus interface
USB v2.0 compliant interface
Supports both low speed and full speed operation
Supports control, interrupt, isochronous and bulk transfer
Automatic detection of physical connection to USB host