The PIC16F628A-E/P is a 18-pin, low-cost, high-performance, CMOS, fully static, 8-bit microcontroller. This microcontroller has enhanced core features, an eight-level deep stack, and multiple internal and external interrupt sources. The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with the separate 8-bit wide data. The two-stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to execute in a single cycle, except for program branches. A total of 35 instructions are available, complemented by a large register set. The PPIC16F628A-E/P is supported by a full-featured macro assembler, a software simulator, an in-circuit emulator, a low cost in-circuit debugger, a low cost development programmer and a full-featured programmer
- 13-bit program counter capable of addressing an 8K x 14 program memory space
- High current sink/source for direct LED drive
- Programmable on-chip voltage reference (VREF) module
- Two analog comparators
- Power-saving Sleep mode
- Programmable weak pull-ups on PORTB
- Multiplexed Master Clear/Input-pin
- Low-voltage programming
- In-Circuit Serial Programming? (via two pins)
- Programmable code protection
消费电子产品, 嵌入式设计与开发, 测试与测量, 系统监控