MRF24WB0MB/RM is a WiFi radio transceiver module. It is a low power, 2.4GHz, IEEE 802.11 compliant, surface mount module with all associated RF components such as crystal oscillator, bypass and bias passives with integrated MAC, baseband, RF and power amplifier, and built in hardware support for AES, and TKIP (WEP, WPA, WPA2 security). The integrated module design frees the designer from RF and antenna design tasks and regulatory compliance testing, ultimately providing quicker time to market. The MRF24WB0MB has an ultra miniature coaxial connector (U. FL) and is approved for use with a list of pre certified antennas. This module is designed to be used with TCP/IP software stack. Data communications with the MRF24WB0MB is through the SPI interface. The combination of the module and a PIC running the TCP/IP stack results in support for IEEE 802.11 and IP services. This allows the immediate implementation of a wireless web server.
- IEEE 802.11 WiFi transceiver module
- Supports low power, low data rate WiFi
- Radio regulation certification for United States (FCC), Canada (IC), Europe (ETSI) and Japan (ARIB)
- It has an ultra miniature coaxial connector (U. FL)
- Simple four wire SPI interface to PIC microcontroller
- WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK security
- 36 pin surface mountable module
- Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g/n networks
- Serialized unique MAC address
- Designed for use with PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33, and PIC32 MCU's with downloadable TCP/IP stack
医用, 消费电子产品, 无线, 车用, 射频通信, 传感与仪器, 安全, 工业, 计量, 建筑自动化