The MRF24J40-I/ML is a 2.4GHz IEEE STD 802.15.4? 20dBm RF Transceiver Module with integrated crystal, internal voltage regulator, matching circuitry, power amplifier, low noise amplifier and PCB antenna. The MRF24J40MB surface mount module operates in the non-licensed 2.4GHz frequency band. The integrated module design frees the integrator from extensive RF and antenna design and regulatory compliance testing, allowing quicker time to market. The MRF24J40MB module is compatible with Microchip's ZigBee?, MiWi? and MiWi P2P software stacks.
- Complete IEEE 802.15.4 radio
- Supports ZigBee? and MiWi? protocols
- Simple four-wire SPI interface
- Integrated 20MHz and 32.768kHz oscillator drive
- Low current consumption
- Hardware CSMA-CA mechanism
- Automatic ACK response
- Hardware security engine (AES-128)
- Automatic packet retransmit capable
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