The MIC94070YC6-TR is a high-side Load Switch designed for operation between 1.7 to 5.5V. The devices contain a low on-resistance P-channel MOSFET that supports 1.2A of continuous current. An active pull-down on the enable input keeps MIC94070-73 in a default OFF state until the EN pin is pulled to a high level. Built-in level shift circuitry allows low voltage logic signals to switch higher supply voltages or vice versa, high level logic signals can control low level voltages. MIC94070-73's operating voltage range makes them suitable for 1-cell Lithium ion and 2- to 3-cell NiMH/NiCad/Alkaline powered systems, as well as all 5V applications. Their low operating current of 2μA and low shutdown current of <1μA maximize battery life.
3A pulse current
Built-in level shift for control logic, can be operated by 1.5V logic