The MIC5020YM is a low-side MOSFET Driver designed to operate at frequencies greater than 100kHz and is an ideal choice for high-speed applications and using IGBTs. The MIC5020 can also operate as a circuit breaker with or without automatic retry. Its maximum supply voltage lends itself to control applications using up to 50V. It can control MOSFETs that switch voltages greater than 50V. A rising or falling edge on the input results in a current source or sink pulse on the gate output. This output current pulse can turn on or off a 2000pF MOSFET in approximately 175ns. The MIC5020 then supplies a limited current, if necessary to maintain the output state. An overcurrent comparator with a trip voltage of 50mV makes the MIC5020 ideal for use with a current sensing MOSFET. An external low value resistor may be used instead of a sensing MOSFET for more precise overcurrent control. A duty cycle from 20% to about 75% is possible with an optional pull-up resistor from CT to VDD.