The MGC3130-I/MQ is a 3D gesture recognition and motion tracking Controller Chip based on Microchip's patented GestIC? technology. They enable user command input with natural hand and finger movements. Applying the principles of electrical near field sensing, this contains all the building blocks to develop robust 3D gesture input sensing systems. Implemented as a low-power mixed-signal configurable controller, they provide a large set of smart functional features with integrated signal driver, a frequency adaptive input path for automatic noise suppression and a digital signal processing unit. Microchip's on-chip Colibri suite obsoletes processing needs at the host, reduces system power consumption resulting in low software development efforts for short time-to-market success.
- Proximity and touch sensing
- Built-in Colibri gesture suite (running on chip)
- Advanced 3D signal processing unit
- 0 to 10cm Detection range
- <1fF Receiver sensitivity
- 200 positions/second Position rate
- Up to 150dpi Spatial resolution
- 44 to 115kHz Carrier frequency
- On-chip auto calibration
- Low noise radiation due to low transmit voltage and slew rate control
音频, 计算机和计算机周边, 自动化与过程控制, 消费电子产品, 医用